It’s beginning to look like Christmas

It’s almost that time of the year again, and we’re excited!

Christmas has always been a special time to reflect on the good things, celebrate annual traditions, have fun, and connect with friends and family. It’s also a time in a child’s life when memories, experiences, and emotions are created, which, in turn, shape who they become in the future.

Charterhouse Lagos believes in promoting academic rigour, developing intellectual curiosity, nurturing children and their ability and desire to learn independently. This is why we have put together a list of five creative ways you can make this Christmas a learning arc for your kids.

1. Let them plan
Engaging your children in planning is a great way to get them excited about the season. As a parent, it is almost inevitable to find yourself in a position where you must juggle countless responsibilities and make all the decisions for your family. Letting your kids plan alone is a great way to build life skills and encourage responsibility. They also develop research and organisational skills in the process. Please enable them to create checklists and develop schedules by themselves.

2. Buy them educational gifts
Christmas gifts like jigsaw puzzles, riddle books, a telescope, a musical instrument, or a globe are proven ways to enhance memory and motor skills and improve verbal fluency, problem-solving, logical reasoning, and decision-making abilities.

3. Put them in charge of tasks
One of the quickest ways to imbibe leadership qualities in growing children is to teach them about taking charge. Little things like decorating the Christmas tree, planning the family outing, or even baking cookies (supervised, of course) can help them develop a sense of responsibility and teach them confidence.

4. Visit historical places
Children will typically learn a lot about history in schools through books. But to make the learning experience impactful, it’s essential to make learning a visual experience. Visiting places like art galleries, the National Theatre, or Freedom Park in Lagos would spark children’s imagination and show them the real world beyond their classrooms.

5. Plan a scavenger hunt
A Scavenger Hunt is a great way to teach critical thinking skills and teamwork. Parents can host this game anywhere. You can start by strategically placing items around the house and leaving clues for your children to find them. This will boost their observation skills and help them to develop early learning skills in a fun, relaxed, and natural way.

Take our word for it!
Charterhouse Lagos respects certain school traditions but is keen to challenge norms in favour of enlightened ideas and evidence-based effective learning methods. We believe children who are encouraged to have a respectful voice are more engaged in their learning journey and better prepared to succeed.

Happy Holidays!

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