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What Is Content Performance?

Content performance refers to measuring the impact your published content makes on your target audience as well as your business. 

Marketers measure the performance of their content through different sets of metrics that we’ll go over shortly.

And the purpose is to gain insights into how aligned your content is with your target audience, learn more about your customers, and understand whether your content is driving business results.

Why Is Content Performance Important?

Content performance analysis is a key part of your content marketing efforts.

Implementing a content strategy can take a lot of effort, time, and money. So, you want to make sure your content is generating your desired results.

Diving deep into content marketing performance metrics lets you:

    • Find ways to improve and optimize your content
    • Make better decisions based on the data you collect

    • Allocate your resources better

    • Advocate for leadership buy-in for further investments into content marketing

Key Content Marketing Performance Metrics to Track

Let’s explore 19 content performance metrics to measure for better results.

User Behavior Metrics

User behavior metrics help you understand visitors’ behavior on your website or app.


Views represent the number of total visits your website or app got within a specific time frame.

They refer to visits from all sources. Like organic (unpaid) search, social media, email, referrals from other websites, and more.

This metric helps you understand which content formats and pieces are most popular among your audience. And they also allow you to identify the ones that are the least popular.

This information can inform your content strategy in the future. For example, you can choose to create more content about the topics that gain the most attention.

Track your website views in Google Analytics 4 (GA4). Here’s how:

Log in to your GA4 account.

Click “Reports” in the menu on the left.

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